About Me
Hi, I'm Brittany!
If you see me out and about, you'll probably find me with a dog mom shirt on and a sweet treat in my hand, lol! I am obsessed with dogs and ALL the chocolate and ice cream. I'm also a wife to this cute guy that sat next to me in high school to copy my paper ;)
I was a public school teacher for the last 5 years, and I changed A LOT in that time. I have slowly come to realize that I really value freedom, holistic practices, root causes, homesteading, homeschooling, and all the sourdough things that I can possibly make.
It all really started when I had severe (DAILY) chronic headaches (which I learned how to heal without meds) and was continually given more pills as answers without knowledge on finding root causes (not to mention no knowledge on the harmful effects of those pills). I've also had a fristhand look at what happens in our school settings, and it's caused me to want better for others and for our kids.
So here I am sharing what I learned, what I love, and what I know can bless others.
Much love, Britt!